Drug Information Association (DIA)
Our local chapter strives to foster innovation to improve health and well-being by:
Providing a neutral environment to exchange and discuss current issues related to healthcare products, technologies, and services;
Delivering customized learning experiences by bringing in unique speakers and events;
Building, maintaining, and facilitating trusted relationships with individuals and organizations that drive and share DIA values and mandates
Increasing communication among a variety of healthcare professions.
DIA E-Board 2024-2025:​
President: Akrum Elshazali (aelsha8@uic.edu)
President-Elect: Abdalla Ali (aali249@uic.edu)
Vice President: Annie Nuntarach (knunta2@uic.edu)
Director of Communications: Jack Chen (jchen326@uic.edu)
Director of Finance: Emanuel Reyes-Valiente (ereyes45@uic.edu)
Director of Marketing: Hillary Nguyen (hnguye99@uic.edu)
Director of Fundraising: Alina Paul (apaul35@uic.edu)
Director of Education: Nick Johnson (njohns50@uic.edu)
Co-Director of Professional Affairs: Krisha Dhali (kdhal@uic.edu), Odeh Fakhouri (ofakh2@uic.edu)
Co-Director Publications and Content Development: Stephanie Suarez (ssuarez3@uic.edu), Shivam Patel (spate547@uic.edu)
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Faria Munir (fmunir@uic.edu)
Primary Contact: dia.uic2@gmail.com
National Website: https://www.diaglobal.org/